The Apparent High Cost of Implant Dentures

Tram-Blair Dental and Snoring Blog

The Apparent High Cost of Implant Dentures

The Apparent High Cost of Implant Dentures
Posted: Aug 13, 2011
Categories: Blog, Dentures

A common misunderstanding people have regarding implant retained dentures is the cost associated with it. Commonly, when we mention implants as a possible solution to the loose-fitting complete lower denture problem, the quick answer back is “yes I looked into that already and I’m not willing to spend the $10,000 they told me it would cost.”

It is true that it can cost that much and possibly more depending on, for example, the number of implants and whether the denture is designed to be taken out by the patient (removable type) or the dental professional (fixed type); but the starting point for a person wearing a full lower denture desiring a more stable fit is to have 2 implants in the front area of the gums approximately where the canines used to be.

The result is a huge improvement in stability and the cost is less than 50% of that $10,000.00 people so often hear.
